Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Great Flood of 2010 Part 1

Dave and Melissa rarely travel for work.  However, we both had trips in the same week.  Dave needed to go to a conference in Miami June 20-23, and Melissa needed to be a conference in Dallas June 23-26.  So, we had our babysitter, Alyss, come to the house on the evening of the 23rd when Melissa needed to leave for the airport until Dave got home.  It was pouring when Melissa got in the taxi, and she knew Dave's flight was already delayed.  Alyss called, "Melissa, there's a tornado warning, so we're hanging out in the basement, and there's water coming in."  Then, Melissa's flight was cancelled, so she headed home.  Alyss had kept Isaac calm with Sesame Street and had him in bed before Melissa got home.  The water had rushed in through the street sewer and soaked the carpetting in ~2/3 of the basement.  Melissa tried using the shopvac to suck up some of the water, but it was very slow.  Dave finally got home ~1am and Melissa flew to her conference in the morning.  We were unable to get the water out of the carpetting before it began to smell.  So, we took up the carpetting and looked into replacing it.  This was the first time we've had significant water in our basement in 6 years!

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