Tuesday, August 11, 2015

IKEA trip!

Isaac had another cardio appointment at the University of Michigan, so he and I headed to IKEA afterwards to stock up on some furniture.  He was such a great helper!

Friday, July 31, 2015

Friday, July 3, 2015

Zoo day

Melissa took Isaac and Hanbab to the zoo with some neighbors.  It was a great way to spend the day off!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Fishing in our backyard

The kids love fishing, so we tried out the pond at our new house.  They each caught one right away.  It was Hannah's first fish!!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Sponge rollers

Hannah agreed to let me try sponge rollers again in her hair for our family photos in the church directory tomorrow. She lasted about 5 minutes after bed time and insisted that we take them out :(

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Walking to Bandidos

We tried walking to Bandidos from our new house.  It's about one mile straight behind the neighborhood and looked to be connected by a sidewalk.  However, about 3/4 of the way there, the sidewalk ended.  It wouldn't have been that bad, if we hadn't gotten as much rain recently.  At one point, there was about 4 inches of water to walk through.  Not too bad for me and the kids in crocs, but Dave had a tough time pulling the wagon in his tennis shoes.  He took a slightly longer way to stay dry .  We made it and had a great dinner!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Miles broke his leg :(

We were enjoying a great evening in the backyard, until Dave slipped down the hill while holding Miles.  Miles rolled gently out of Dave's arms, but screamed a lot and wouldn't calm down afterwards.  We took him inside to see what was wrong.  We took off his pants and didn't any bruises or cuts or anything, but when we propped him up to walk, he screamed and pulled his leg up.  Melissa took him to the ER and after X-rays they told us he had a "toddler's fracture".  Pretty common and easy to heal, but would need a cast for 4 weeks. Poor guy!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Legacy Auction at St. Elizabeth

Dave and I attended the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Legacy Auction for the first time this year.  There was a western theme this year and you can see Fr. Ben got pretty into it!  

It was a really fun evening, and we met many other parents.  Dave even bought me a ring in the Silent Auction for my birthday :)  

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Isaac's first Pinewood Derby

Isaac and Dave built their first Pinewood Derby car.  It was a lot of fun building and painting it.  Isaac had a great time racing against his friends and already has ideas for next year.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Great Snowman weather!

We got 16 inches of snow this weekend. It was heavy, wet snow.  Perfect for building a snowman.  Hannah has been sick, so she and Miles watched from the window.  Isaac and Daddy rolled some huge snow balls for the snowman and Dave had to lift them up.  It was quite funny to watch.  After he was built, Isaac tried to put a couple sticks in him for arms and the snowman fell down :(. Dave and Isaac kept with it and built him again.  Definitely the best one yet!

Apparently Miles doesn't like Bologna.

We noticed Miles putting the Bologna on his shoulder instead of eating it for lunch today. He looked quite guilty!