Friday, March 13, 2009

Here come the molars . . .

We'll it's been a while since we've seen any teeth coming in, so we knew we were due. However, we did not expect to see 4-5 coming at once! Isaac starting getting his first molar yesterday and when I checked this morning, there were at least 2 other molars and one incisor peaking through. It's been a rough few nights lately, so I guess this explains it. I think his goal is to eat steak for his 1st birthday! Sorry, it's impossible to get photos of the teeth :)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Forest Park St. Patrick's Day Parade

We bundled up and went to the St. Patrick's Day Parade. It was raining but we made the best of it.

Friday, March 6, 2009

More Lincoln photos

He was the best dog and we'll always miss him!

Our sweet Lincoln

Lincoln's kidneys began to fail at the end of February. Dave and I made the hardest decision we've ever made and put him down this afternoon. These are a few photos of his last days. He will always have a place in our hearts and will be so missed!